Friday, July 25, 2008

Oh Friday why is it bittersweet?

Oh Friday. I have been looking forward to Friday since Wed. It is my last day to watch the girls I babysit for and Andrew and me can spend the whole weekend doing nothing, but playing. However I got the worse news this morning. I found out my bestest friend has been admitted in the hospital. It is iffy on her diagnosis but they are thinking lukemia. I am so sad I have know her for about 4 years now and we have so much in common. She is your "call her" friend. You know something happens and she is the first person you think of you have to "call her" and let her know what happened. It is just so sad. Her daughter has autism along with DeGeoge (spelling is prob wrong) and it is like can't they just catch a break? So anyone reading this I hope you offer up a prayer for her. She is going to need it in these coming months.

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