Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My little Boo Magoo. I have been blessed with a girl. After the boys I wasn't sure (as I am sure most moms are) that I could love another baby as much as the ones I had. Well I do! The heart is amazing! BooMagoo, BooBoo Bunny, Bella Boo, Mimi, Cha Chi Mar a Chi, oh all the silly things we call our babies. The lasting one still to this day is Boo. Andrew and I both saw Monsters Inc witht he boys and Boo in the movies looked just like Isabella. Isabella RuthMarie. What can I say. She is the Diva. Was while I was pregnant. She was always flipping around doing twirls and such. She was a diva then and now is even bigger then life! She loves Jordan to no end. Sh eloves to follow him around and even more to boss him around. He has the whole world on her little finger or so it is to her. She definatly has her father on her finger. She is the queen bee. The boss, the head honcho. The number one brat. =) Being bossy is her thing. She loves to play as long as it is what she wants to play. If not she just wlaks away and does her own thing. Her favoorite pet is Petey probable since she can pick him up (he is a chiahuahua) and dresses him up like a baby. She is sweet and loving. Definatly needs her mom and dad all the time. She follows us around the house. She is 4. LOL She has her own way of doing things and it is usually making someone (her brothers) do it for her. She is a slob. Each bedroom has it's own laundry baskets. Her clothes make it all over the floor but none in the basket. AND she dresses and changes more then once a day. If I were to guess she could definatly be a movie star someday. She loves to preform infront of people and is always singing and dancing aorund the house. In her school plays she is def the shinging star. With personality to spare she is one of a kind, my little Boo. And we wouldn't change her for anything.
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